
hoop inspiration board

i made a little inspiration board for my mom.  

her birthday was last week and a long with a few other items i sent it away to celebrate... wish i could have fit in the package, too.  
what you need:
  • embroidery hoop 
  • fabric
  • cork tile {you can find them anywhere, usually in the office section}
  • marker
  • knife
  • scissors 
  • hot glue gun
what you do:
1.  place the hoop over the cork tile, trace a line on the inside circle of the hoop, and cut along the line.
2.  glue the cork inside the circle with the hot glue
3.  place the fabric over the inside circle and stretch over the cork circle, secure with the outside hoop.  
4.  cut excess fabric around the edges and glue down to the back of the cork
5.  mount on a wall with a nail and hang or prop against the wall
where do you collect all the things that inspire you, such as notes, cards, photographs?  i think i will make a few more of these for my creative space.  happy monday.


Three Girls and a Pumpkin said...

Awesome idea...I will put this on my 'I want to make it, too' list. Along with the clothes pins that you did (I want some for each season) and the sting line thing you did for B's schoolwork...still haven't done that...grr!! Heart ya, J!

one sydney road said...

You are so creative - what I nice gift! And thanks for showing me how to do it...this actually looks like something I could do -yay(i'm not very crafty!)

Hijiri said...

this is soo cute!! i'm gonna have to try and make one for my home, thank you!!!

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